1. First get a budget amount you can afford to invest. The budget must include not only the printing cost, but the mailing cost of your program. If you are not going to mail, you must come up with a distribution plan. TAC can help you with this.
  2. Decide ... Who do you want to mail to? Present customers, certain geographical locations or income levels.
  3.  If you need to secure a mail list, TAC can provide that service. The cost is on a per name basis.
  4. Next is your message or offer. Don’t crowd the issue. Less is better than too much. Ugly is sometimes better than pretty - TAC and you will decide that together. But most importantly if you want people to react, it must be an offer that will make them pick up the phone.  Remember, you are filling a need or creating a need. Once you have them as a customer, they become a profit center for as long as you can keep them as a customer. It’s not just their first transaction with you.
  5. The design of your card can come from some of our stock formats or something totally unique to you. TAC will need photographs of your service or product. Company colors, logos, possible endorsements and your message, offer or coupon.
  6. Then TAC will provide a proof of the finished design. Any changes will most likely already be done with preliminary proofs, but this will be your last chance to alter anything.
  7. Next, TAC will print your card or mailer on high quality glossy paper, full color both sides. The printing will be of the highest quality.
  8. TAC will then print your addresses on the mailers and deliver them to the post office. If you choose distribution, TAC will deliver them to the location you wish.
  9. Next the ball is in your hands. You’ll need to track your program by asking callers and customers where they heard about your offer.

Following up by you or someone in your office greatly increases the effect of a mailing. So don’t be afraid to pick up the phone to follow up on your offer.

A high impact marketing campaign comes from creativity and strategy, not limitless resources.
Optimize your marketing budget by trading the dollars you invest in a one-time advertising blitz or a flash-enabled website for consistent messaging and watch your sales grow.

Concentrate on a niche market. You can focus your marketing material much more if you target it to a smaller market versus a diverse group of prospects. Rather than wasting dollars by placing your message in mass publications, utilize your internal data base or an outside list source and send highly focused offers by direct mail.

Plan your printing. Involve TAC in the design of your printed pieces at the beginning. We can recommend papers, inks, sizes and layouts that will save you money. Get the most out of your postage. New postage rates have recently gone up, consider both weight and size. Using these new parameters,
TAC can advise you of mailings that will minimize your postage expense while maximizing the return on investment.

Consider postcards. Some studies estimate postcard readership at close to 100%, especially if your design is eye-catching and your message is brief. Ask TAC for assistance in creating a low-cost postcard that meets postal service specifications for reduced postage.

Staying in front of your target audience does not need to be expensive.  Be the expert. When prospective clients are in need of your product or service, you will have instant credibility if they have seen your name in print. Endorsements are one of the best selling points, i.e. articles from magazines, newspapers and journals or rewards given to your company.

Invest time in networking. Pass out business cards and brochures to boost awareness among your potential clients.

Partner with non-competing companies and pool your marketing dollars.