
Targeted, Visible, Proven. A Seasonal Distribution of tourist related literature via brochure racks in key locations. Operating in three areas along the New Jersey coastline: Ocean City/Somers Point/Upper Township, Avalon/Stone Harbor/Cape May Court House, The Wildwoods and Cape May. Racks are maintained on a weekly basis from Memorial Day to the end of September. |
Each area is considered a market and is priced according to the number of distribution points in that area. The vast majority of our racks are located in hotel lobbies. This is where tourists start their vacation, and the most frequented and logical place to look for information. |
What Makes Our Rack Advertising So Good? |
If tourists are the target market for your business, The Welcome Racks™ are your answer. All of our racks are located in hotels, bed & breakfasts, weekly rental complexes, and an occasional restaurant or liquor store --- all key areas to reach tourists early in their stay. By reaching your target customer early, you give that potential customer the maximum amount of time to use your business. Smart marketing! |
Visible: Most of our racks are made out of handsome oak or melamine. The locations are in heavy traffic areas in hotels and other hospitality locations. Each rack is fully loaded with full color brochures - an inviting information station that easily attracts visitors. The racks and brochures are designed so that all brochures can be viewed in one pass and easily picked out of the rack by your customer. |
Proven: It works! Our product has withstood the test of time. We're in our eleventh season operating this portion of our company, and before that, the service was operated along the Jersey Seashore for over 30 years. Each year, the space in our racks is sold out well before the season starts.* Repeat customers make this very easy, with space seldom changing hands. Why? Because it works! It's targeted, visible, economical and it's proven. |
*We do compile a waiting list for rack space openings. Please call 609-390-2411 to be placed on this list. |

What Makes Our Rack Service Better? |
What Is different about our rack company? We offer a more diverse customer base in our racks.
Shopping, Shows, The Wetlands Institute, Morey's Piers, Splash Zone and the Trolley
Schedule, in addition to fishing, cruising and water sports, to name a few.
Restaurant Row: We offer a row of restaurants that is
as diverse as your clients' tastes. We are working on a second row that will provide
even more choices so that there is something for absolutely everyone.
We consider you our partners and will do as much as we can
to help you build your business and the overall economy of the Jersey Seashore. We
promote the area on our web site, JerseySeashore.com, and our advertisements. We offer
free parking passes each spring to all of our Hotels in conjunction with some area
restaurants for your use. We're also involved in the community sponsoring youth
activities and supporting the local Chambers of Commerce with our expertise. In
short, we give back to the community.
Do We Advertise Out of State Attractions?
Never!!! We promise never
to advertise
anything out of state. We feel we are partners in promoting the Jersey Seashore.
We have a limited amount of advertisers from Cape May who advertise in the Wildwood
racks, but we try very hard to work with the attractions local to your area. |
What About Our Service?
We start early, come every week during the height of summer and
keep the racks filled until the end of September. Our rack employees are polite and
courteous. |
Are You Open Year Round?
We'll keep your rack filled during the off season. Typically we will check back on your rack, but we also offer an on-call service to keep your rack up to date. |
What About The Cost of the Rack? It's FREE!!! We just ask that if you decide
to sell your property that you let the new owners know that TAC Printing & Computer
Services owns the rack. |