Sales & Rental Guides
Increasing sales and
rentals with the use of guides is a proven winner. We
can assist in production from conceptual design,
photography, typesetting, printing, distribution planning,
mailing and insertion into your Welcome Bag®
free of charge. All our
guide formats can be printed in one, two or four color
process. Also guides can be printed with full color
signatures matched with one or two color signatures. |
Sale/Rental Flyers
Flyers make good sense
when it comes to marketing your listings as a group.
Flyers can include up to 32 properties on an 8 1/2" x 14"
two-sided sheet. Strategic distribution and mailing
will contribute to an increase in sales and new listings.
We can distribute the flyer in your Welcome Bag® free of
charge. Flyers can be printed in one, tow or four
color process. Personalize your flyer with your own
photograph or group your photo with others in your office
and get a quantity discount. Panels can be sold as
advertisements to offset your cost. Flyers can also be
designed as self mailers. |
Full-Color Business Cards
Personal marketing starts with
your business card. Your photograph will be drum
scanned for the highest quality image and placed in your
choice of formats (or provide a digital format).
Provide us with your logo and card copy. Our base
business card also includes back printing with 30 words of
type. |
We can match your letterhead to
your current stock or provide you with a totally new look.
Print your photograph as a black and white image or opt for
our four color option. Matching envelopes and second
sheets can be provided to fulfill your order. |
Keeping your company name in front of your clients and
letting your customers know about new services or
opportunities is vital to any business. Newsletters
can accomplish this at a very low cost. We will create
a complete design, typeset, scan photography and print you
newsletter for one low price. Our library of artwork
can be customized to illustrate your message and provide an
original, professional look. Newsletters are available
in a variety of stocks and can be printed in one, two or
four color process. |
Personal Profiles
Competition is tough out there,
so you need to separate yourself from them. Personal
Profiles are an excellent way to introduce yourself, toot
your accomplishments, provide a professional image and give
you client the confidence to award you the contract or
listing. Everyone has different ideas, but it's always
hard to get started. We can help with sample ideas,
stock formats and a personal interview to help your profile
become a reality. Profiles can be printed in
four-color process with our TACGloss™ coating or two-color.
We'll suggest different paper stocks to match your image.
We offer three basic formats that you can customize to meet
your needs. |
Property Sales Profiles
Extraordinary properties need
special marketing. Top quality, four-color property
profiles fulfill that need. Sales Profiles are
excellent sales tools but their real value is as a listing
magnet. Big ticket homeowners expect top flight
marketing and look for the agents that can provide it. Many
homeowners will consider funding the project if the work is
coordinated by the agent. Full-color photography of
outside as well as inside of the home can be displayed in a
graphically pleasing manner. Aerial estate photographs
can be taken to show the total impact of your extraordinary
listing. If your property has a small budget, consider
one- or two-color layouts which can also be designed as
self-mailers! |
Presentation Folders
Legal size presentation
folders are valuable tools when closing that important sale.
Available in over 50 paper stocks to match your professional
image or office stationery. Designed for your office
or for your personal use with your photograph in color.
Pricing includes design, typesetting and printing of your
folder. Real estate oriented ads from local merchants
can be presented on the back and flap positions to offset
the cost of the folders. |
Just Listed · Just Sold · Open
Salesman Announcement ·
Thank You
Pricing includes
all design, typesetting and printing of your idea.
Post cards can be printed in one, two or four color process
to meet your budget. Reverse side can be set up for
post card mailing or produced on your laser printer.
Three sizes to choose from:
Post Card
Mailing Rate: 3 1/2"x 5 1/2"
· 4" x 6"
1st Class Card Mailing Rate: 3 1/2" x 8 1/4"
· 4" x 9"
8 1/2" X 11" Laser Sheets: Creates four cards |
Full-Color Calendars
Choose from a
variety of themes that include Scenic America, Norman
Rockwell, Wildlife, Destination Dreams, Murphy's Law or
gardens. Imprint your real estate name, important
information and your name. For a small charge include
your photograph. Your ad displayed 365 days a year for
a fraction of a penny a day. |
Commercial Real Estate Sell Sheets
Four-color, one-side on 100 lb.
coated high gloss stock. You can include photographs
of building and surrounding areas. Aerial photography
can be arranged to give overall impact of location.
Reverse side of sheet prints in black ink and includes a map
showing location and important data in table format.
Pricing includes all design, typesetting and printing.
Photography is extra and can be arranged or provided by you.
Can be designed to be a self-mailer. |